Alliums are a gorgeous plant that many people are afraid to grow. Why? We aren’t quite sure. Allium bulbs are one of the easiest bulbs to grow. Even those without green fingers should be able to manage. So, how is this possible, what are our tips on caring for your new bulbs?
The Starting Point
Before you even purchase your bulbs, there are a few things you need to consider. These include the colour you want your alliums to be, their height and flowering time. Height and colour can tend to be determined by the pack of bulbs you decide to purchase. Flowering time will depend on when you plant the bulbs as they all take a dedicated amount of time to grow.
Purchasing these bulbs can also be a challenge, we recommend going to your local garden centre or plant supplier, this way you can see all the different kinds and pick one that is perfect for you without the risk of them being damaged in the post.
Once you have decided on what bulbs you are purchasing and have them in your home, it is time to think about planting. The first stage of planting is choosing the right time of year to plant them. The best time to plant them is early to mid-autumn, this will give you a flowering time that is around May and June. Depending on when you want your plants to flower depends if you go for early or mid-autumn.
Choosing a location to plant your allium bulbs can be challenging. Ideally, you want to keep these bulbs away from an area that has lots of other plants and potential digging occurring. This is because the bulbs can be easily damaged and they may not grow as well, if at all. These bulbs are suitable for growing in pots or planters. This is the best option if you want to keep your bulbs safe and give the best possible growing conditions.
On-Going Care
Once you have planted your bulbs, you need to keep up with their ongoing care. This includes watering, feeding, and beheading.
When it comes to watering your allium bulbs you should do this regularly. If you have planted directly in the ground it does not need to be as often. Bulbs planted in a pot should be watered regularly, but only when the soil feels dry as you do not want to over water them and the soil to become moggy.
You also want to regularly feed your plants with plant food that is suitable for Allium. This ensures that the flowers are gaining the correct nutrients, that they may be missing from the ground otherwise. Feeding them with this solution will give you happy flowers that are full of colour.
Finally, beheading. Once the flowers begin to die, you want to behead them. This is the process of removing the flower head from the steam. This makes it more likely for your bulb to bloom again the following year.